Perry Innovation Announces 8th Grade Expansion

Grand Blanc Community Schools is proud to again offer a unique tuition-free educational opportunity to students in grades 2-8. Perry Innovation Center (P.I.C.) is leading the evolution of the classroom with the smart use of technology and student-centered learning! Students at P.I.C. are researching, collaborating, and steering the direction of their lessons. Students pursue their interests in ways that incorporate core curriculum in science, social studies, and language arts.

Classes like “Life Happens” and “The Science of Spying” naturally create engaging lessons that students participate in enthusiastically. The focus is placed on developing critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, independence and collaboration skills.

Students can expect a smaller, more personal environment at Perry Innovation Center. In some ways, a day at Perry is similar to other Grand Blanc Schools, from the morning announcements to the lunchroom, students will have the opportunity to play outside for recess and participate in band and gym. In the classroom, brave educators at P.I.C. explore the latest instructional practices in technology and education. Director Amber Hall is also the Curriculum Director for Grand Blanc Schools and works closely with the district’s Technology team and Educational Consultant, Matinga Ragatz.

Students are not only set free to think “outside the box”, but they are often freed of the building walls with enriching field trip opportunities throughout the year. Classroom hours are more flexible as students combine “subjects” into projects and group work, with less emphasis on following the “bell schedule” throughout the course of the day.

Extracurricular activities such as Odyssey of the Mind, Chess Club, Book Bowl, Gardening Club, Team America Rocket Challenge (TARC), HOPE Mentoring, and Future Health Professionals are currently available. At Perry, students are encouraged to seek out new opportunities for the classroom as well as after school.

Transportation is included for in-district students. Bussing is available to and from Perry Innovation in collaboration with Holy Family, and Perry operates on a schedule separate from other Grand Blanc elementary and middle schools, beginning at 7:35am and ending at 2:45pm. Upper school students are invited to participate in after-school athletics with teams at East & West Middle School, and a bus will transport those athletes to the middle school for practices and games.

There will be several opportunities for parents and students to get acquainted with the Perry Innovation Center before making a decision to apply. Information nights are planned for February 21 and March 14. More information about the Perry Innovation Center can be found here. An online application can be found under the “admissions” tab and will be accepted through March 31, 2019.

Tuesday, March 5 from 5-7 p.m., P.I.C. students invite the community to browse their Winter Showcase and Young Inventor’s Presentations and see their accomplishments first-hand. 2nd graders will offer a few “Food Truck” options while supplies last, through their small business project. Proceeds will be donated to a local charity.


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