Not long ago, Mason Elementary went "all-out" with their holiday decorating skills. They soon issued a challenge to other schools: Top this! Some of our other buildings have provided photos of their work. What do you think?
Official vehicles from Metro, Argentine Twp. and Grand Blanc Twp. Police Departments and Grand Blanc, Argentine, and Mundy Twp. Fire Departments lined the sidewalk outside the Hill Rd. Meijer on Tuesday, December 4. 25 students from the area, including 10 from Grand Blanc Anderson & McGrath Elementary, were selected to "Shop with a Hero" at the Hill Rd. Meijer store. Each attendee was given a budget of $100 and a hero shopping buddy to assist them. Thank you to one of our Grand Blanc Twp. resource officers, Dan Wolschleger for setting this up for our students, to Meijer for providing the opportunity, and our local police, 911 office, and fire for being our heroes on this day and every day! #WeAreGB #community #connection #purpose #teamwork #otherpeoplematter
The panel will choose only two Grand Blanc High School seniors to receive a scholarship based on this semester's Exit Interview participants, and they have a very tough job. Each semester, Seniors at Grand Blanc High School create "Exit Interviews" - it is a requirement of graduation that they typically produce and present in their English class - but some opt to also share their presentation with a panel of professionals. This serves to create another venue for students to expose their plans to objective influence, practice their presentation and communication skills, and it could also bring them a scholarship to help with their higher education goals. Grand Blanc Administrators often stop in to observe sessions, and the morning brought in Principal Fray, Superintendent Garner, Asst. Principal Goetzinger, GB Board of Ed Trustee Yasmeen Youngs, and CTE Director Janet Roberts, just to name a few. Career Resource Center Program Assistant & EDP Specialist, Shenethea Mang...
Grand Blanc Community Schools has been awarded $243,838 through the Michigan State Police School Safety Initiative. The money is part of a total of $25 million recently announced for distribution to schools by the State of Michigan. The money granted to Grand Blanc Community Schools will partially fund the installation of barricade locks for all classroom doors in the district. The remainder of the money necessary will come from the district’s Sinking Fund. Legacy Barricades, Inc. manufactures this barricade device in Michigan. It was developed by a military and police veteran and has been approved for use by both fire and police. The product has already been installed on a pilot basis at Reid Elementary and the 1st floor of Perry Innovation Center, which houses Great Start Readiness and Children’s Garden Preschool and Latchkey. Lockdown drill procedures for school buildings will remain exactly the same as in the past, with the addition of activating the barricade device, which on...
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