Grant Money Boosts Safety Efforts at Grand Blanc Schools

Grand Blanc Community Schools has been awarded $243,838 through the Michigan State Police School Safety Initiative. The money is part of a total of $25 million recently announced for distribution to schools by the State of Michigan.

The money granted to Grand Blanc Community Schools will partially fund the installation of barricade locks for all classroom doors in the district. The remainder of the money necessary will come from the district’s Sinking Fund.

Legacy Barricades, Inc. manufactures this barricade device in Michigan. It was developed by a military and police veteran and has been approved for use by both fire and police. The product has already been installed on a pilot basis at Reid Elementary and the 1st floor of Perry Innovation Center, which houses Great Start Readiness and Children’s Garden Preschool and Latchkey.

Lockdown drill procedures for school buildings will remain exactly the same as in the past, with the addition of activating the barricade device, which only takes seconds. It makes the existing door an extremely strong physical barrier to any threat. Grand Blanc police, fire, and school resource officers have been very helpful in the process of selecting and testing the Legacy device.

This addition is just one more line of defense in case of a real crisis situation. Our safety assessment is ongoing at Grand Blanc Community Schools, but we look forward to taking the Legacy Barricade initiative district-wide over the coming months. Installation technicians will be working outside of school hours to outfit all interior classroom doors as quickly as possible, followed by education of staff about the device and its use.

*This project is supported by the fiscal year 2019 Competitive School Safety Grant Program, awarded by the State of Michigan and administered by the Michigan State Police (MSP). Points of view or opinions contained within this document do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the State of Michigan or the MSP.


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